
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A big "get well soon" goes out to RanDizzle

Bob received a phone call late last week from Natalie, Randsom's wife, that he was in the hospital. It turns out he was complaining of abdominal pain and was admitted to remove a blockage. One hour of surgery and two hours of recovery and he was resting well at the hospital. Unfortunately his snowboarding days are over for a bit and he is expected to be in the hospital for 5 days. Please join us in prayers for a full and speedy recovery.

1 comment:

Hans-inator said...

Matt... I see you did not use my "nurse" graphic, and instead went with the safe puppy graphic :) Wise choice.

To the Dizzle: Get will quickly my friend. I was saddened to hear you were hospitalized this holiday season. Would be happy to swing by if you wish. I guess that Holiday 'party' in the parking lot late Thursday was too much for ya' (smirk) Thinking of you bro..... - Hans